What IT is all about really?

We live in a quick, constantly developing technology era where most of us are familiar with the word ‘IT’ even though if you are anything like me, not precisely sure what it stands for or what it means for my business. Why don’t you explore this term better with me and discover why it is…

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5 Reasons to Own a Transfer Cable.

Transfer cable, What’s so fascinating about data transfer cables? They transfer data from an old computer to a new computer. Yea, exciting, I know. But if you only knew how many people have paid me, Kenny McCormick of Keltic Fish, hundreds of dollars to do this simple transfer, you would understand why I find transfer…

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Old Phone? Just Because We Can, Does Not Mean we should.

By: Kenneth B. McCormick CEO / Co-FounderKeltic Fish L.L.C. “Dude… can I have this old phone as my desk phone?” Was the question my new salesperson proposed earlier in the week? At first, I thought he was joking, but I gave in and did it for him after asking a half dozen more times. We…

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